Walks This Month


Friday1st November8.30 FAST Red Lion, Peppard
Friday1st November10.30-12 modHerb Farm, Sonning CmRG4 9NJ
Monday4th November9.30-11 modNuffield ChurchRG9 5SN car pk charge
Monday4th11-11.45 wellbeingNuffield Church
Tuesday5th9.45-10.45 gentleHighland Parknb time
Tuesday5th2..30-3.30 modRocky laneBack gate to Greys Ctnb time
Friday8th8.30 FastStoke Row Chapel
Friday8th10-11.30 modStoke Row shop
Sunday10th9.30-11 modHuntercombe RG9 5SBPark in prison car parkmeet near entrance to nursing home entrance
Monday11th9.30-11 modNettlebed CreameryRG9 5DA
Tuesday12th10-11 gentleStoke Row well
Tuesday12th11-12 modStoke Row shop
Monday 18th9.30-11Ewelme cow commonapprox OX10 6PG
Tuesday19th10-11 gentleShiplake memorial hallRG9 4DW
Tuesday19th11.15-12.45 modShiplake hall as above
Friday22nd8.30 FASTBix church
Friday22nd10-11.30 modRocky LaneBack Gate to Greys court
Sunday1st Dectbctbc
Tuesday3rdMod and gentle walksSwiss Farm
Tuesday3rd12.30 LunchSwiss Farm
Friday6th8.30 FASTRed Lion PeppardRG9 5LB
Friday6th10-11.30 modRed Lion
Saturday7th10-11.30 modMiddle AssendonRG9 6AU
Monday9th10-10.45 wellbeingGreys Court
Monday9th11-12.30 modGreys Court
Tuesday10th10-11 gentleRemenhamRG9 3DD
Tuesday10th11.30-1 modRemenham